
Why We give:

We believe that everything we have belongs to God. What we do with what God has given us, shows the world where our hearts are and helps extend the reach of the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.


How To Give:

We want to make giving accessible and simple. The offering plate continues to be passed week after week during Sunday morning worship, but for those who desire to give by a different method, we want to meet you halfway.

We have made electronic giving an option for giving offerings, tithes, and donations. We hope that you find these options helpful and simple as we strive to serve you.



Why do I have to pay fees to give my tithe/offering/donation?

We have partnered with a third party to enable us to make online giving a possibility.
The fees associated with either giving options goes directly to them. First Baptist Church incurs the cost of each transaction. If you desire to avoid all fees, cash and check are still accepted. If you prefer to pay online, we recommend the automatic draft option as it has much lower fees.


Do I have to give online or can I still write a check or give cash?

We will always receive checks and cash as offerings, tithes, and donations. You do not have to give online unless you want to. This is simply our effort to provide an additional, technologically relevant option for givers to give their tithes, offerings, and donations.


Have Questions or Need Help?

Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can!